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To Praise, To Bless, To Preach


To contemplate and share the fruits of contemplation

The congregation of the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph contributes to the mission of the Order of Preachers by preaching and teaching the Catholic Faith, in communion with and under the supervision of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.

The sisters' apostolate of explicit proclamation of the Gospel flows from a common life of prayer, study and monastic observances, centred on the liturgical celebration of the mystery of Christ.

This preaching and teaching apostolate is wide-ranging, aimed at people of every age, at every level of faith development, in every circumstance, using every possible means, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.



In the heart of the Church and at the service and under the authority of our local Bishop, our apostolate, carried out in community, is to proclaim the truth of the Catholic Faith to all peoples.


  • Catechetical work for adults and children

  • Training of catechists

  • Retreats for groups, leading adults, young people and children to discover Christ and deepen their knowledge and love for God and his Church through teaching and prayer.

  • Retreats for priests who come to stay at our priory.

  • Day retreats for any individuals who wish to spend a quiet time in prayer with us.

  • Theological, philsophical and catechetical formation of lay adults in our collaboration with Maryvale Institute, Birmingham, UK.



After serving for six years as a part of the diocesan Formation for Mission team, the sisters have discerned a call to make our work of faith formation available beyond the boundaries of our diocese of Portsmouth.  

As a response to this call, and with the blessing of our Bishop Philip Egan, we have launched a new initiative, Light of Truth, with which we offer accessible faith formation to all English-speaking people. This formation is available both in the form of short online courses and in-person bookings. More information and a list of the courses we are currently running  can be found on the Light of Truth website. 



“In order that we may be perfected
in the love of God and neighbour
through this following of Christ,
we are incorporated into our Order by profession and consecrated totally to God,
and in particular we are dedicated in a new way to the universal Church,
“being appointed entirely for the complete evangelization of the Word of God.”

Fundamental Constitutions of the Order of Preachers, III


On-Going Scriptural Faith Formation for Children

More info

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St Dominic's Priory

Shirley Holms Road

Lymington, Hants

SO41 8NH


Phone: (+44) 1590 681875

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©2022 by Dominican Sisters of St Joseph

UK Registered Charity No. 1050485

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